Inclusion is a national organisation that works with individuals, families and communities who are affected by drugs, alcohol, crime and mental health. Whilst providing comprehensive and inclusive support we invest in all people using our services to inspire them to fulfil their potential and forge a more successful future.
Inclusion was established in 2002 as part of the Specialist Services Group of Midland Partnership NHS Foundation Trust (MPFT). As part of the Specialist Services Division, Inclusion develop new and flexible services across England where tendering opportunities arise.
There are 3 main strands to Inclusion services. We provide treatment for drug & alcohol use in the community, residential & prison-based settings, treatment for individuals experiencing low-level mental health problems referred through their GP in IAPT services (Improved Access to Psychological Therapies) and Forensic Mental Health Services within prisons across Staffordshire. Our services are delivered by a range of NHS clinical and psychosocial care specialists.
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