Do you want to evidence the competencies you have developed at work? The Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate provides a competence-based certification for practitioners working or volunteering in the alcohol and other drugs field, based upon National Occupational Standards (NOS). The Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate has 2 levels, registration and accreditation, and gives practitioners the opportunity to have their competence and professionalism recognised throughout the field.


Do you have strong experience working or volunteering in the addictions field but have no formal qualification? The Drug and Alcohol Professional Registration provides a first step in demonstrating workplace competence.

To become registered as a Drug and Alcohol Professional, practitioners need to provide evidence of competence in nine compulsory NOS units plus one from a set of optional NOS units. This evidence is gathered and assessed by a practitioner's supervisor at work via a workplace assessment, and does not require an independently validated qualification such as an NVQ or Diploma.

Case study: Jenny had been working as a key worker in a community drug and alcohol team for five years. She did not have vocational qualifications but wanted to evidence that she had built up competencies to work in the field. Her supervisor at work completed a Workplace Assessment Report for each of the 9 compulsory NOS units and one of the optional NOS units. She was successful in acquiring Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate registration.


Do you have an educational level 3 qualification (or higher) in health and/ or social care but have no evidence of competencies related to the alcohol and other drugs field? Accreditation in the Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate provides evidence of your competencies working in addictions.

To become accredited with the Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate practitioners are required to have an independently validated educational level 3 qualification (or higher) relevant to the field. This is often an NVQ in Health and Social Care or a Diploma in Adult Care. To be accredited as a Drug and Alcohol Professional practitioners need to have their competence confirmed in nine compulsory NOS units plus one from a set of optional NOS units. Depending on the level 3 qualification taken, many of these competences may already have been evidenced in their qualification.

Case study: Mohamed had successfully completed a Health and Social Care NVQ level 3. In this qualification he evidenced the generic NOS compulsory units (numbers 3-9 in the compulsory units table) but had no evidence of competencies in working with people who use alcohol and other drugs. His supervisor completed the following missing alcohol and other drugs specific compulsory units via Workplace Assessment Reports: 1 Assess and act upon immediate risk of danger to individuals who have used alcohol and other substances, 2 Carry out assessment to identify and prioritise needs in substance misuse setting and he also completed Support individuals who misuse substances from the optional NOS units. He was successful in his application for Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate Accreditation.

Applicants for the Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate are required to complete 9 compulsory units. This can be evidenced by:

  • Proof that the competency/ unit has been covered in an educational level 3 qualification such as an NVQ/ diploma
  • A workplace assessment
  • Another professional qualification

Practitioners will often use a combination of the above forms of evidence in the application process.

Assess and act upon immediate risk of danger to individuals who have used alcohol and other substances
NOS Code: AB5.2014 
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Either  Carry out assessment to identify and prioritise needs in substance misuse setting 
NOS Code: AF2.2012
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or   Carry out comprehensive assessment for alcohol and other substances
NOS Code: AF3.2014
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Develop effective relationships with individuals
NOS Code: SCDHSC0233
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Promote effective communication
NOS Code: SCDHSC0031
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Promote health, safety and security in the work setting
NOS Code: SCDHSC0032
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Develop your practice through reflection and learning
NOS Code: SCDHSC0033
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Promote the safeguarding of individuals
NOS Code: SCDHSC0035
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Promote the rights and diversity of individuals
NOS Code: SCDHSC3111 
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Make use of supervision
NOS Code: GEN36
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Applicants for the Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate are required to complete 1 optional unit. This can be evidenced by:  

  • Proof that the competency/ unit has been covered in an educational level 3 qualification such as an NVQ/ diploma
  • A workplace assessment
  • Another professional qualification  

Practitioners will often use a combination of the above forms of evidence in the application process.

Support individuals who misuse substances
NOS Code: AB2.2012
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Enable access to services to those affected by someone else's use of alcohol or other substances
NOS Code: AB7.2014
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Raise awareness about substances, their use and effects
NOS Code: AD1.2012 
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Develop and disseminate information and advice about health and social well-being
NOS Code: SCDHSC0438 
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Test for alcohol and other substance use
NOS Code: AE1.2014 
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Lead the service delivery planning process to achieve outcomes for individuals
NOS Code: SCDHSC0415
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Manage the prescription of controlled drugs for substance users
NOS Code: AH1.2014
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Supply injecting and other relevant equipment to individuals who use substances and facilitate safe disposal
NOS Code: AH3.2014 
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Support individuals through detoxification programmes
NOS Code: AH7.2014
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Support individuals to take their medication as prescribed
NOS Code: GEN135
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Work with individuals to encourage a reduction in harmful alcohol consumption and drinking behaviour
NOS Code: AH10.2014
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Use recognised theoretical models to provide therapeutic support to individuals who misuse substances
NOS Code: AI1.2012
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Use recognised theoretical models to provide therapeutic support to groups of individuals who misuse substances
NOS Code: AI3.2012
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Health and social care professionals

Being qualified to practise in the UK in a regulated health or social care profession (doctors, psychiatrists, pharmacists, nurses, social workers, probation officers and youth workers), is recognised as complementary evidence for all generic compulsory units of the AP Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate.

Health and social care professionals need to provide qualification evidence (direct or complementary) for the two NOS alcohol and other drugs compulsory units (numbers 1 and 2) and one optional NOS unit only.


Being qualified to teach in the UK is recognised as complementary evidence towards all compulsory units.

UK-qualified teachers need to provide qualification evidence (direct or complementary) for  the two NOS alcohol and other drugs compulsory units (numbers 1 and 2) and one optional NOS unit only.


AP NCAC accreditation is recognised as complementary evidence for all nine compulsory units and the two counselling units in the optional NOS units (AI1.2012 and AI3.2012). Applicants do not need any additional qualifications to be eligible for AP Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate Accreditation.

BACP Accredited counsellors do not need to confirm their generic competence through a workplace assessment to be eligible for Accreditation as a Drug and Alcohol Professional, but will require additional qualifications in relation to the drug and alcohol specific NOS compulsory units (units 1 and 2) and one optional NOS unit.

  1. Direct evidence: Qualification based on an educational level 3 direct assessment of competence against a particular unit (or its exact equivalent), and validated by an independent, qualified NVQ/ Diploma assessor. Common qualifications include an NVQ in Health and Social Care or a Diploma in Adult Care.

  2. Complementary evidence: An externally-validated, competence-assessed qualification, providing supportive evidence competence (for example a social work or nursing degree).

  3. Workplace assessment: An internal assessment of competence against the unit concerned, carried out by a person’s line manager/supervisor.

What do I do if I have a qualification which is not recognised as evidence of competence?

Only qualifications which have been recognised by the Assessment Board will be accepted as evidence of competence in support of an application for certification.

If you have a qualification which you believe should be recognised, you should first apply for registration for Drug and Alcohol Professional Certification and then submit details for the Assessment Board to review. If your submission for review is accepted by the Assessment Board and you then meet the requirements for cccredited status, your certification will be upgraded.

Make sure that you have Practitioner or Advanced Practitioner Membership. This can be as an individual, or as an associate member of an organisation.

2 Work out whether you would like registration or accreditation. For those without a formal qualification registration is the most appropriate option. For those with a level 3 qualification or above, accreditation is likely to be the best option.

3 Complete the application form

4 Make sure you provide a Workplace Assessment Report for each unit required.

5 Make sure you have included a Senior Manager Approval Form with your Workplace assessment report.

6 Make a payment

When making applications please ensure the following steps have been taken. We will respond to applications within 10 working days.

Practitioner/Advanced Practitioner or Associate Member?
Application form completed?
Workplace Assessment Report/s completed?
Senior Manager Approval Form completed?
Payment made?


The cost for the Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate is £75 for three years. Reductions are available for those applying through affiliated agencies. There is a £25 charge for practitioners who have the National Counsellor Accreditation Certificate.

1 You should have PractitionerAdvanced Practitioner or Associate Membership

2 Fill out the application form.

Fill out the Workplace Assessment Report.

4 Make sure you have included a Senior Manager Approval Form with your Workplace assessment report.

5 Make a payment

When making applications please ensure the following steps have been taken. We will respond to applications within 10 working days.

Practitioner/Advanced Practitioner or Associate Member? 
Application form completed?
Workplace Assessment report/s completed?
Senior Manager Approval Form completed?
Payment made?


The cost for the Drug and Alcohol Professional Certificate re-certification is £75 for three years. Reductions are available for those applying through affiliated agencies.